Summer is around the corner. The sun shines a lot. I am so happy this time of year. The light, the breeze inside the house, and the sound of the little ones playing outside, make me nostalgic for my 10 year-old self. I can almost feel the wonder.
Think of a time when you were a kid when suddenly you didn’t have to go to school, when the entire day was laid out in front of you free of all that responsibility. Even if you were the kind of kid who had to babysit a younger sibling, or do chores, or were an only child, the idea of having a summer day still felt good. I would hike among the neighbor’s trees (I called it the Rocky Road) and on rainy days build forts between the sofa and the coffee table and dream about what it would be like to be a famous artist, or travel the world, or simply to read about fantastic adventures.
The artwork created for Renny Run by our awesome illustrator, Destiny Davison, comes from that space of adventure and imagination. The wonderment of birds, the desire to fly, and the curiosity.
We are so grateful to have Destiny and her whimsical touch. Visit her other work here.