I love the morning. It’s a magical time of day filled with new beginnings, the birdsong, the pinkpurplegold sky, the stillness and time to reflect, that is once I am awake which these days takes 2 cups of coffee, 2 pieces of Nicorette gum, a green saturated smoothie, and a good self-talking to.
Last weekend started with a 4am wake-up on Saturday morning and ended at 8pm on Sunday after tabling at 2 street festivals. (For any of you who have done this you know what it’s like to carry and set up a pop-up.) I am still tired. It was hot. It was crowded. It was awesome!
Thank you to all who stopped by our booth at the Raspberry Festival and PRIDE. Thank you to everyone who had something to say about Renny Run. Thank you so very much for the enthusiasm you showed for our mission. It means the world to us, and as promised we will listen to all of your input and try as best we can to deliver what you asked for. In the meantime, here’s a shout out to the Renny Run team, our friends and family who came out to support us during our first foray into the person-to-person world. It was fun, it was informative, and it exceeded all of our expectations. So many new people joined our community, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude........
I think I just nodded off. I think I dreamt about passive income.
If you are new to us, check out previous blogs on our website for a little insight into who we are, some good stories, music, books and videos. We also post everyday @rennyrunkids.
The community is growing. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
Much love,
(Pictures from the fests on Design board Media file)